Genius - AI-Enhanced Creative Gen SaaS Platform

Innovative AI SaaS platform using Next.js with creative workflows like Code Generation, Music Generation, Conversational AI, Video Generation and more. Robust authentication and seamless payment integration.

Next.jsTailwindCSSClerkPrismaOpenAI APIStripe

Path Finding Algorithm Visualizer

Interactive pathfinding visualizer featuring Dijkstra's, A*, BFS, and DFS algorithms. Build custom mazes with walls, reposition start/end nodes, and see animated pathfinding solutions.


Worlde game clone with animations and custom alerts for players

File Manager

File directory navigator UI with custom animation

Covid-19 Dashboard

Interactive webpage to dynamically visualize and analyze COVID-19 case data in India, with enhanced functionality to delve into state-wise statistics. Developer with Python and Streamlit library

Fylo - Landing Page

Fylo - File storage - Landing Page - Built as a part of Frontend Mentor Challenge

Tindog - Tinder for Dogs

Landing page for Tindog - Tinder for Dogs

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe game with next player and restart functionality

Accordion component with React

Accordion components with multi select functionlaity

Star Rating

Star rating selector with hover select

QR Code generator

Generate QR code for any link or text